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We only get one life but… can we live it upside down?

July 22, 2013

In spite of what some people may belive, myself included, that we may live though many lifetimes, we always live or at least should since we can’t be sure of anything… with the mentality of “We only live once.” However, we don’t really get a ruleboo on how to live it. Our parents as hard as they try teach us the path we are supposed to follow all the way through our lives, but we hardly ever listen at least not as much as we should.Image

As we tango through tha path of our life, we mae our desitions and follow our own desitions but what if we actually did do what our parents told us almost to the dot? Go to school as we were told and passed every single lesson with an A or a 10 depending on the country; Behaved on every single situation you had the chance not to and missed the experience of a lifetime for a quiet night at home with a nice book now nicely saved in a well educated brain on thirty or so because you ept on school duty till you finished your career as you obviously pushed into and studied what you were programmed to not because you wanted to but simply because you wanted to make your parents so proud and damn it you had the ability to do that and whatever other thing the could as of you. You obeyed the whole way through.

After that period of demmanding and pleasing table tennis game they generally as you to get a life…but afraid and ambarrasing as that might be: you never really learned how to do that. You realized that certain things you now how to do well by now are not pleasing or even bother you in an utterly disgusting way. You just don’t lie who you are, you just hadn’t noticed because…let’s face it who had the time?!

ImageMy birthday’s coming and my dad asked me: What are you planning to do?

My answer was simple, predictable and boring: You know I never celebrate my Birthdays, I stay home and read, probably go out for dinner and eat at home watching a movie, if I’m lucky somebody will remember this year and say  happy birthday through a brief phone call. Then I chuckled. I thought he would he pleased…he wasn not…

“Hell no…Go out! You never demanded anything when you were a teen! I loved it then but now it just drives me up the wall! Go out and have fun! Go out for drinks, dance, sing, go to the movies to the cinema if that’s what you want but don’t stay home celebrate honey!”

Even my dad doesn’t realy like the fact that I missed the fun part of my life. I am indeed trying to live my life upside down. I’m married. I have a five year old, but I can make the dance floor burn like a SOB! and I can carry a tune more than most people in the karaoke, I always loved to sing. I might do things differently now but I can surely still have fun and lilve my life as it just had started.

I’ve seen a lot of movies where people have done it. I always admired them, like Patch ImageAdams and the like, but I just never saw myself doing what they did. I never thought like I needed to, but I eventually had my epiphany and I see things differently now. I had my revelation and I went through some pretty rough shit to get there so I’ll try not to waste my oportunity and live it up, I can feel the life their way now…see? I couldn’t before because I didn’t feel it right for me but now it my moment to join them…to start living my other half… my end of the story…

…or is it the beginning?

From → Brain teasers

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